FinTecHub is providing Rwandan fintech startups with the skills and support to scale


In the last five years, Rwanda has seen a drastic increase in the number of fintech startups nationwide. Regardless, these startups cannot easily access the capital and skills required to grow and scale their business.

FinTecHub is a dedicated virtual accelerator that supports Rwandan fintech startups to scale by providing them with easy access to skills, partnerships, capital and markets, and helps them navigate the regulatory environment.

UNCDF launched FinTecHub in partnership with Rwanda’s ICT Chamber, Kigali Innovation City, and the Government of Rwanda to provide direct support to selected fintech startups and help them scale into other markets, particularly following the effects of the pandemic.

The initiative offers a virtual six-month acceleration program to the selected fintech startups with a number of services that boost their technical and business skills capacity and help them become investment-ready. Asides receiving bespoke training, all enrolled startups also receive a milestone-based grant on completing the program.